Medical requirements

Annual Medical Requirements

Each school year, all parents/carers of ACT Government school students are required to complete a Medical Information and Consent Form in relation to their child/ren. This form requests general medical information and provides for parents/carers to consent to first aid treatment for their child/children in line with the First Aid Policy and First Aid General Procedures. This form is used for excursions and local walk activities.

Known Medical Conditions

If your child requires intervention i.e administration of medication or other support the following documents are required (in addition to the Medical Information and Consent Form). All forms are required to be updated annually or if your child's medical requirements change. Please see below for the medical forms.





Short term, non-ongoing medical issues

The administration of prescribed medication for a short term, non-ongoing medical issue e.g antibiotics for a period on 10 days, must be authorised by written agreement from the student's parent/carer, via the Known Medical ConditionMedication Authorisation and Administration Record and a qualified health professional (a medical prescription is adequate)

Accompanying Adults on excursions / incursions

If you would like to volunteer at the school for excursion and incursions please fill out the Accompanying Adults Medical Form.

Infectious Diseases and Exclusion Periods

Personal hygiene measures such as hand washing, covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, covering weeping sores, not sharing food or drinks and not attending school when ill or suffering from diarrhoea and or vomiting are important means of limiting the transmission of several common infectious conditions.

It is important to arrange for children who are feeling unwell to be cared for at home for their own comfort, health and wellbeing, and for that of other chidlren and our staff.

The ACT Health Regulations 2000 requires children with infectious conditions, and children who have been in contact with some conditions, be excluded from school or preschool for specified periods.

Information about infectious conditions and exclusion periods is available at Infectious Diseases - Outbreak Procedures and Exclusions Period Procedures