Compulsory Education and Non-attendance Management

Compulsory Education

The Education Act 2004 Chapter 2 Compulsory Education, Part 2.1, 9; states a child is of compulsory education age if the child is at least 6 years old and under the age of 17 years or completes year 12 whichever is first.

Under Chapter 2.2 Compulsory Education requirements Division 2.2.1 Enrolment, registration and attendance requirements, 10 (2) parents have responsibilities to ensure that their child/ren of compulsory education age are enrolled in an education provider and attending on a full-time basis. Or if they are enrolled in an education course other than a school, they must meet the fulltime participation requirements of the course.

For further information about this please visit  ACT Education Compulsory Education student enrolment and attendance policy

Franklin School Management of Non-Attendance and Regularly Late to School


After any 2 consecutive days (on the 3rd day or 3 days within a week) of non-attendance without explanation (unexplained), the classroom teacher will contact the parents/carers. The classroom teacher will also make contact for repeated non-attendance eg absent one day a week over a three week period.

After a total of 5 unexplained days in a term, the classroom teacher will inform their team leader who will contact the parents/carers.

If the total number reaches 7 unexplained days in a term, the classroom teacher will inform the Principal who will contact the parents/carers and discuss with them that the next step involves formal notification.

Upon reaching a total of 10 unexplained days in a term, the Principal will issue the parents with a letter.  After this time, the Principal will continue to monitor attendance and provide further formal notifications if necessary.

Regularly Late to School

If a child is frequently late to school, the classroom teacher will contact the parents/carers to remind them of the importance of being at school by 9.00 am to maximise learning opportunities and to see if there is anything the school can do to support the family.  If late arrivals continue to be an issue, please speak to your team leader who will contact the parents/carers.

For further information please refer to the ACT Education Directorate website to download the Education Act 2004.