Behaviour Management

Franklin School behaviour management procedures follow the ACT Education Safe and Supportive Schools Policy which provides guidance for Canberra public schools on promoting a safe, respectful and supportive school community. This includes the rights and responsibilities for all stakeholders including students, school staff, parents and carers.

We are committed to providing  positive and engaging environments where children feel connected and respected, achieve success and are fully engaged in education. Student wellbeing impacts on student learning and is fundamental to a student’s successful engagement with education.

Procedures are in place to manage minor and major behaviour disruptions both inside and outside the classroom using the Restorative Practice Guide.

Communication between parents and school is important when children's behaviour indicates that this is necessary. It is important for you to talk to your child's classroom teacher, year level executive or the principal if you think their school work or behaviour may be affected in some way by circumstances not known to the school such as serious family illness or changes in family circumstances.

If you have any concerns about or notice changes in your child's behaviour at home, please do not hesitate to contact the school make an appointment to speak with a member of our staff.

For further information please see Working Together With Your School Brochure or Safe and Supportive Schools Policy