Before School Playground Safety Rules & Requirements

Before School Playground Safety Rules and Requirements

School Gates opened from 8.30 am

Our school gates will be opened from 8.30 am each morning. Please do not enter the school through the front office before school begins at 9.00 am unless you have an appointment or business to conduct with front office staff.

We recommend that children begin to arrive at school approximately 10-15 minutes before the start of the school day at 9.00 am and assemble outside their classroom. In the event of inclement weather, children will be called to proceed under cover or inside the building as appropriate.

Safety rules and procedures before school
  • Students must not play on playground equipment before or after school.
  • Students must dismount and walk bicycles, scooters and skateboards when entering school grounds.
  • Students who are dropped off before gates are opened are asked to behave in accordance with the schools PBL concepts displaying Responsible, Safe, and Respectful behaviour. It is not safe to participate in ball games or other physical activities in these areas as they are most usually situated near busy traffic areas.

If you are regularly required to drop your child off at school before 8:30am or regularly picking up your child after 3:10pm, it is recommended that to ensure their safety, you make arrangements for them to attend and before & or after school care. Before and after school care is provided by Anglicare. To enrol or enquire: Anglicare at Franklin

Entry to the school - kindergarten to year 6

The school has several entry points located in the perimeter fencing around the school boundary. Children in kindergarten to year 6 can enter through any gate that is convenient for their families drop off arrangements and should proceed to assemble on the basketball courts for morning lines