

School Reporting and Assessment

Formal reporting of student achievement and progress is scheduled at different times throughout the school year. Assessment is a continuous process of gathering evidence to determine what each student knows, understands, values and can do. It is used at the beginning, during and end of learning sequences to determine where each student is initially and their subsequent growth.

Student End of Semester Reports

A report is prepared for all students at the end of semesters one (term 2) and two (term 4). Reports include information about student achievement aligned to the Australian Curriculum as well as areas for development. A-E graded reports are included for students in grades 1 to 6. These are forwarded to parents and carers electronically via email.

Three-way interviews

Parent/student/teacher conferences provide an opportunity for the student to share their work with parents in their classroom. Teachers act as a facilitator and both teachers and parents are welcome to exchange information on the student’s progress. Students, parents and teachers reflect on learning and achievements, and make commitments to future learning goals.


All students in kindergarten participate in the BASE assessment program which is child-friendly assessment conducted by classroom teachers with each student individually, to collect information about the understandings that students bring to school at the start of the kindergarten year. BASE supplies data on the expected and actual progress of a student at the end of the year and provides concrete evidence on the spread of abilities within a class. Parents are sent a report of their child’s assessments.


All students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in semester 1 each year. NAPLAN assesses skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation and numeracy. Assessment tasks are independently marked, and a written report is provided to parents. Most NAPLAN assessments are completed online.

Seesaw - Documenting your child’s learning journey

Seesaw is a digital platform used at the school to provide insight into some of the learning experiences provided for your child. Personalised learning stories, day-to-day learning experiences and art works are posted in your child’s Seesaw journal which are accessible to families as they are posted. This is a great opportunity to celebrate your child’s learning development, progress and achievements as they occur. We encourage you to engage with Seesaw, discuss posts and leave positive comments for your child about their work to help boost their confidence and encourage a greater responsibility for learning.